Laranin bugunlerde gaz problemi var. Aglarken cok kotu bir sekilde aci cekiryormus gibi agliyor. Bizim icinde inanilmaz aci verici Larayi aci cekerken izlemek ve hicbirsey yapamamak. Yapabilecegim tek sey yediklerime dikkat etmek. En sevdigim seyler domates, peynir,salatalik, portakal suyu, elma suyu, sarimsak, sogan ve kuru bakliyatlari yemiyorum. Brian Laranin gazini cikarmakta usta oldu ve Lara en sonunda gazsiz kaldigin Laranin gazli gunlerini ozleyecegini soyluyor.
Lara is having wind problems these days and enjoying keeping us awake most nights. She looks as if she is in pain. It is very painful for us to watch and not being able to help her. The only thing I can do to is to change my diet. I am not eating most of the things I like such as tomatoes, cheese, cucumber, orange juice, onions, apple juice, pulses. Brian is becoming expert wind remover and he was saying that he will be missing this duty when Lara finaly get rid of her wind.