2008 was a great year for us because our little Lara came into this world. She changed our lives we can't even think of life without her. How did we survive before? We can't help to ask this question to ourselves. Everyday is different and very special. It's wonderful to wake up and see the wee one smiling at us at the side of the bed. Thank you very much for coming into our life little angel Lara. You are our everything and we don't worry about getting old anymore we just look forward to the days and years ahead with Lara. / 2008 bizim icin cok ozeldi kucuk Laramiz dunyamiza geldi. Laramiz hayatimizi degistirdi onsuz hayati dusunemiyoruz bile. Kendi kendimize nasil Larasiz yasadik sorusunu sormaktan ali koyamiyoruz. Hergun farkli hergun ozel seninle Laracik. Ne guzel uyandigimizda senin guzel gulen yuzunu gormek gune boyle baslamak. Cok tesekkur ederiz hayatimaza renk kattigin icin kucuk melegimiz. Sen bizim herseyimizsin artik yillar gectikce yaslaniyoruz diye uzulmuyoruz aksine acaba yarin neler olacak diye yarini sabirsizlikla bekliyoruz.