22 Aralik 2007 Benim guzel esim guzel kocacim guzel kavasini bahceye giden yolda merdevinlerden inerken duvara carparak yardi. Sonuc felaket kanlar icerisinde eve gelen Briancimi hemen ambulansla hastaneye goturduk sukurler olsun ki hicbirseyi yok. Tabii ben sogukta kosusturma esnasinda cok kotu bir sekilde soguk aldim hala kutur kutur oksuruyorum ve hapsiriyorum.. Zavalli bebegimiz benim hastaligimdan etkilen digi icin hic hareket etmedi dun apar topar hastaneye gittik sukurler olsun iyi.
22 December 2007 my dear husband Brian had an accident. He came through our kitchen door looking like somebody from scary movie! He fell in the garden going down some icy steps and hit his head on a sharp stone wall. It was horrifying for me to see him losing such an amount of blood. Blood was literally dripping from his chin and hands.. I didn't know what to do I phoned for an ambulance and thankfully there wasn't anything serious. He is fine at the moment and recovering well. The only problem is I caught flu that day and since then I am trying to recover but I am still feeling quite bad.
22 December 2007 my dear husband Brian had an accident. He came through our kitchen door looking like somebody from scary movie! He fell in the garden going down some icy steps and hit his head on a sharp stone wall. It was horrifying for me to see him losing such an amount of blood. Blood was literally dripping from his chin and hands.. I didn't know what to do I phoned for an ambulance and thankfully there wasn't anything serious. He is fine at the moment and recovering well. The only problem is I caught flu that day and since then I am trying to recover but I am still feeling quite bad.
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