Wednesday, 2 January 2008


Gunlerdir oksuruk tiksirik cok cekiyorum hamileligimin 36. haftasindayim ve hastaliktan geberiyorum. Brian sagolsun eve doktor cagirdi saglik merkezi 10 dakika mesafede eve oraya gidecek halim yoktu. Doktor antibiotik verdi. Antibiotik deyince biraz endiselendim ama bu ilaclari almak zorundayim doguma hazir olmak istiyorsam. Doktor dogumda senin enerjiye ihtiyacin var cok ama cok calisacaksin dogumda biranonce toparlanman lazim dedi. Aylar gecti sapasaglamdim doguma haftalar kaldi yataktan cikamiyorum aksamlari uyuyamiyorum artik kaburga kemiklerim oksurmekten cok agrimaya basladi. 10 gunden fazla suredir boyleyim hortlaga donmege basladim yorgunluktan. Insallah doktorun verdigi ilaclar beni ayaga kaldiracak.
I've been ill for more than 10 days. This is the 36th week of my pregnancy and I feel like I am about to die! My dear husband Brian called a doctor to our home yesterday. The health centre is just 10 miniutes on foot but I didn't even have the strength to walk. Doctor gave me antibiotics which suprized me because I thought pregnant women shouldn't take such a medicine. Although doctor said this is the only solution which will help me to get back to normal. The Doctor said I must be strong for labour in these circumstances because you are not ready for labour. I was very healthy for months and months but just a couple of weeks left before labour I can't even lift my arm. How am I going to go into labour?


Catriona said...

Sorry to hear you're so unwell, and also to see that Brian has hurt himself. It looks very painful from the photo. I hope you're feeling better soon and you get your strength back. We are all thinking of you at the college office.

sengul said...

canim ya brianin yarasi hicte hafife alinmayacak gibi ya.. kotu dusmusya..gecmis olsun

heather said...

hi belgen and brian

hope you are getting a bit more sleep. Remmember to try those baby remedies for wind!!! Try to make sure you get as much rest as you can.Learn to cat nap.!!
love Heather